collected materials

general guide and application info

guide page includes information for the types of internships you are likely to encounter including some application strategies and general recommendations


collection - specifically checkout this book

If you know of any other good books to add then email them to : ( mailto )


Main websites used by companies / for practice



blind 75 seems to be a common “track” of problems people follow for prep, neetcode in general has some good prep materials


interview prep kits should be especially useful if you want to do some short term prep


Some companies also use this, has a nice simple UI for stuff though is generally less useful than the two


Avent of Code

Every year during December AoC hosts a number of challenges each day with varying difficulty, often starting off easy, the VUCS usually has a small discussion thread for people doing it, you can also join an official leaderboard if you are a part of STORM

Cloudflight Coding Contest



Especially if you are a student at VU its a nice way to do sec related challenges while also bonding with some people

Hack the Box

career prep

resume template

Jakes resume is basically unbeatable in terms of quality, if you populate it with the right keywords it should get you past most resume screens without to many problems

career fairs

(2024) CS and AI I believe this is held yearly though I might be wrong, its definitely happening in 2024 though, worth signing up, often enables certain application processes to go more smoothly if you network a little