


class src.longest_rep_char_replacement.Solution[source][source]
characterReplacement(s: str, k: int) int[source]

Thought process

  • Again a siliding window problem

  • The idea here is that our target substring consists of two components

  1. The most frequent character

  2. The rest of the \(k\) other characters (which we can flip to the most frequent character)

  • So we keep track of the most frequent character through a basic frequency map

  • Now a trick we can do is we can break the letters in two types

  1. belongs to the subword

  2. does not belong to the subword

  • Clearly if we can just deliniate ( separate ) the two, we can easily find the length of the subword by doing all letters - violating letters

  • So we can define our l pointer as the point which separates the two types of characters, in the most simple sense all l is, is a counter of the violating characters, that is, everytime we have the violating condition r - l + 1 - maxf > k we increment l by 1, and decrement the frequency of the character at l by 1

  • The violating condition r - l + 1 - maxf > k is just a way of saying that the rest of the characters in our substring exceed the number of characters we can flip


  • time complexity is \(O(n)\)

  • space complexity is \(O(1)\)