- class src.three_sum.Solution[source][source]¶
- threeSum(nums: list[int]) list[list[int]] [source]¶
Thought process¶
Broad idea: We sort our array, then take a value
and consider the values to thel
. Since the array is sorted movingr
closer tol
will decrease the sum and movingl
closer tor
will increase the sum.We can skip positive integers, since it is impossible to sum to 0 (e.g. [1, 2, 3])
We can skip duplicates to avoid duplicates in our result
Basic two pointer setup so 1. init pointers 2. loop while they havent crossed over
Check the 3 cases of the sum being too large, too small, or just right
If the sum is just right then append the result, move the pointers and skip duplicates
time complexity: \(O(n\log n + n^2)\) -> \(O(n^2)\)
space complexity: \(O(1)\) / \(O(n)\) depending on the implementation of sort