


class src.min_rot_sort_array.Solution[source][source]
findMin(nums: list[int]) int[source]

Thought process

  • The key insight here is that the minimum element is the only element in the array that is smaller than its previous element.

  • Since we want to solve the problem in log n the first intuition is always divide and conquer, in this instance that takes the form of a binary search

  • Two key things to remember, we init left and right to 0 and len(nums) - 1, and the mid point is calculated as left + (right - left) // 2


  • time complexity is \(O(log n)\)

  • space complexity is \(O(1)\)

findMinRecursive(nums: list[int]) int[source]

Thought process

  • Similar to the iterative approach, just using recursion

  • The base case is when left >= right, we return the element at the left index

  • Probably worse for interviews, but good to know


  • time complexity is \(O(log n)\)

  • space complexity is \(O(log n)\) due to the recursive stack