


class src.minimum_window_substring.Solution[source][source]
minWindow(s: str, t: str) str[source]

Thought process

  • Problem uses some of the usual things, frequency map to store substring t and the window of s

  • Key observation, to achieve an \(O(n)\) solutions we observe that we can define the condition of a substring being contained within a window as a single variable have being compared to need, where both variables are numeric counts representing the specific letters of the substring

  • We keep track of the window size and window start and end indices

  • Abstractly the problem uses the general sliding window approach, so the r pointer iterates through the loop as normal and the l pointer iterates on a condition

  • During the iteration we consider 3 main conditions : have != need \(\rightarrow\) expand window , window[c] == subs[c] \(\rightarrow\) increment have, while have == need \(\rightarrow\) move the l pointer and check if we found a new smallest substring


  • time complexity : \(O(n)\)

  • space complexity : \(O(n)\)